Wearable Technology in public safety is fast becoming a huge area of interest. After extensive interviews with market leaders Beecham Research's latest report looks at the dominant role of body-worn cameras (BWC).
These wearable devices are gaining momentum in several areas and the attention is strong in public safety. We look at market opportunities in both police BWC and beyond police BWC. This research shows how police forces have a strong interest in BWC and they are becoming a driver for adoption in applications beyond police force.
In addition to the devices, an increasingly important part of these solutions is the back-end cloud storage and distribution platform for evidential quality content. This element is also covered in the report.
This report features;
• Market opportunities in the following regions
Western Europe ° APAC
Eastern Europe and CIS ° Africa
North America ° Middle East
Latin America
• Analysis of the adoption of BWC in law
enforcement markets per region.
A detailed competitive landscape of these
regions including value proposition of competitors and their presence.
• The use of BWC beyond law enforcement
• Assessment of the adoption of BWC for the period
The research methodology is a combination of primary and
secondary sources. The research team has read extensively from the following
• Academic journals • Police networks
• Police research centres • Human rights organisations
• University research centres • Business services
• Body-worn camera providers
The research team engaged a number of experts and
stakeholders directly in order to confirm and validate our findings. The report
provides details for which groups were contacted.