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Building Innovation Capabilities through IoT Investments: An Overview of 2017 Financial Investments and M&A Activity
IoT Powers Changes in the Aviation Industry
A lesson from the story of 3 Blind Men and an Elephant
Ockham’s electric razor
Want to know what's REALLY going on in the IoT platform services market?
IoT Infrastructure Relies on RFPs, New Survey Shows
Yiru Zhong named principal analyst for Beecham Research
Smart farming and food production must accelerate rapidly to keep pace with population growth
Saverio Romeo promoted to Beecham chief research officer
Insurance gets personal with IoT
IoT enabling the experience-based retailer
When I was very young, I remember a picture story of 3 blind men and an elephant. My reaction at the time was “Oh how can they not know?” when the 3 men in the story were asked to describe the elephant, an animal they have not encountered before.
Now that I have lived and worked in 2 different cultural environments, I can see that people’s first instinct towards new experiences is to tie it back to their own, rather than be open in their approach to understand something new. This leads to a blinkered approach which can cause more confusion than clarity. In the same way as preparing to achieve the “best” outcome of Brexit or in this subject of my blog, to address the challenges in IoT security, I have learnt that without a widely accepted idea of the end goal, the solution cannot be judged as optimal. I am reminded of this very important lesson after attending several events in the last 2 months; society needs to converge towards a more widely-accepted point of reference on the outcomes of a secure IoT system. It is therefore very welcoming at IoT Security Foundation’s annual conference last Tuesday when it announced its 2017 achievements to date, including an update to its IoT Security Compliance Framework that now extends to advice on how to build consumer products.
The main theme of this conference was to discuss best practices to shift the conversation of security in IoT as a fear factor towards the business opportunities of investing in a secure and safe IoT system. Staying true to its newly revised tagline of “Build Secure, Buy Secure, Be Secure”, IoTSF organised this event focused on the business value of security investment and behaviours. The speaking and panel sessions spanned from industry veterans and enterprises sharing their best practices to technical workshops on “how to” sessions to academics sharing the results of their research. I picked up 3 developing takeaway points that will shape our research in the new year:
The “same but different” treatments of security and privacy has great implications on the approach to “build secure, buy secure and be secure”. Our sector, of IoT and of the security community, is somewhat more focussed on the security angle than on privacy implications. Allowing consumers to trust that their privacy is maintained goes a long way to address #1 and #3. More importantly, as Hugo Fiennes, co-founder of Electric Imp, says, “ownership of data is a less interesting question than the value of data”. I wish to add that the value of data increases if the consumer is confident that its privacy wishes are being respected. In 2018, I look forward to examining privacy management to support security spending as a business value investment.
Lastly, Beecham Research, together with Internet of Business, is conducting a survey to track IoT adopters’ attitudes towards security and privacy in their IoT systems, particularly to uncover perception of business value in security investments. We would love it if you would participate in this survey. In return, we would be happy to share with you the results of the findings. https://surveys.beechamresearch.com/s/IOBUHE3Y/