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IoT Security Threat Map


Beecham Research's IoT Security Threat Map displays the full set of threat and vulnerability analyses that Beecham uses to help its clients shape their strategies. This downloadable summary includes many of the top 5 features from each of those analyses. Available to download as single page PDF or PowerPoint Slide.

Traditional M2M (Machine to Machine) applications are typically very focused, using specific edge devices, a single network and custom platform, making it relatively easy for security professionals to secure to the acceptable level. But the IoT cuts across different sectors and embraces multiple devices and networks - from satellite to cellular – along with a growing number of IoT platforms and Big Data systems, which present threats on many different levels and fronts. Wherever there is a new interface between devices, networks, platforms and users, there is the potential for a new weak link.

Beecham Research's IoT Security Threat Map provides a graphical view of attacks and essential defenses for IoT applications. 

For more click here to read the press release.


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